Saturday, April 16, 2011

Best Cure For Stingy Eye Lids

Hector Moyano Matias

"In my paintings I discovered a lot of life: beat, breathing, they just need to talk. And of course, my imagination reached by times the heights of Everest. "

"Currently, I'm not going to lie, I do not think so, I dedicate myself more to play an instrument meditative called deedgerido , with which are in contact with the vacuum, but vacuum cup of tea talking Zen. The last thing I did was a remake in pastel scenes of King Kong movie with Betty Boop as a woman and I'm finishing an assignment that is a portrait of Bowie. I also did an installation to be presented as project at an art gallery. "

"I like to compose a single situation, snapshots, the most important scenes of a film that exists in limbo. In the series BOOP BIG BANG is a composite made quite prevalent, but after that work and did not compose, I began to create scenes in themselves, the remains of a movie. Delivery of existential questions, the I do not really keep anything, I try to expel something about the intimate issues, I think therein lies the truth of art. I think the art that goes from there is authentic, but that's why some end up thinking you're crazy or that you are violent or prejudice whatsoever. Basquiat was an artist to see violence, I think that was the last great orator of personal truths. Do not compare me with him but I think we should get something from inside, but it is better to paint walls with albalatex satin, to shine. "

"In the process of creation there is a hint of eternity, contact with something that no one knows or knows except one, and what I feel to create is a kind of frenzy. I have lived with states of intense isolation at the time of creation, I missed the day it snowed in Baires to paint feverishly. Painting is a fever with no clinical sign of truth. The beginning is always like when you were a child and returns to play with the Smurfs or he man, not the beginning is exciting, is the beginning of the passion, the pilgrimage. "

"The theme that recurs in my work is varied and I work in series, or in a series dominated the erotic, chaos and child, in another series I talk more about the loneliness, another marginal speaking about objects and large formats, in other series talk about heaven and of things that reach the nirvana, is always characterized me about not staying on a theme. "

"I studied Fine Arts Institute in Santa Ana, between the teacher more I had this major Maggie Atienza Larsson was the great open-heads. I learned a lot as an autodidact, that is to create my own made me realize many things that teachers might I could never pass, primarily the testimony that convey and how to generate my own poetry. "

"For future projects I have something in mind without a new idea, an image layout transparency, something that would be quite particular in the subject matter and characters Mickey Mouse and backgrounds of real machines, a kind of modern times without Chaplin, with Mickey and monsters of my own and ensured imaginary layers of transparency. "

"My greatest desire as an artist is always kept, which is expressed with authenticity, and that the spectator amazed to stop at one of my creations."

"What most I care about art is that is true, current art in general does not interest me much, I know more work of unknown artists on the bandwagon, and the art which is displayed is the one that prevails and in many cases it seems superfluous and frivolous. But there are very good artists that the art world does not discover, and losing a little time. "

"The great art world (us understand) that if there is a big firm does not move a hair, one day we will see cars Toyota, Honda, Ferrari are large firms in the exhibits, I will not be long. As a major world I mean the art market, the real is THE WORLD OF ART a whole. "

" I am more than watching films, the truth that art would move more, you may have a subtitle, not that I'm not interested in art that walks now (what I put out that art is frivolous and now all that bahh bahh) is that I feel comfortable with the film, I like that link that engages with the viewer. But I still go to samples, I like that weapon Alejandra Perotti and Ingrid Pizzio , and some things out there, I liked the Lopez Ruth Benzacar the photographer, there are good things to see if the market and the circuit are a little elitist, out of that art is worth without all feasts. Film I can name you Hanami by Doris Dorrie, that movie left me in pieces and art from what I saw last year an artist I liked what I saw Alejandra, I also like that of Laura Delgado and the Carlos Masoch. "

For more works by the artist:

By Romi Amodei


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