Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How Long Do Sleep Eze Pills Last

Sassano Alejandro Alejandro Boim

"In my paintings I discovered the excitement I have for 25 years"

"because I paint. Guilt is what makes the grip brush or pencil almost daily. But when I paint I feel that my time goes, if things work in harmony with the stars, pots of fresh milk and all I care about the cosmos. Besides, I like the workshop, feel like in kindergarten, surrounded by colorcito and a little dirt. "

"I just let something catches my attention. Then I long to draw or paint. If it's a big canvas do some quick sketches in pencil. But go directly to the brush. Anyway, things can change infinitely in one painting. "

"Creation Process" sounds, always, to heavy. I imagine, rather, do what one is going out, without much mote. Slacker is not it? Brighten a model, I move from place to combine it with a photo. What we do not do is work in "series", I categorically get bored repeating a theme and variations. I'm yawning just to state. "

"I take everything that surrounds me: photos, pastafrolas, plugs, trees, low-calorie Sprite cans, mixed and, if lucky, get something more or less palatable, if not there, almost always, I ask the God of the paint and start again. "

"I like to do in this area of \u200b\u200bthe fabric or paper, what I want. I live in my classes, not the sale of paintings. Never got there my libido, having done so would have paid dearly. If it sells, if recognition is better. They are pampered. But according to that painting, for me temper, is nothing short of a disaster. "

"The only thing that matters in art, whatever the discipline, is that I like. I do not care who did it, in which circumstances, reasons. All this is secondary to me. "

" As anyone who makes objects with some artistic pretension, always desire is that, first of all, one as a spectator of your own stuff is not feel so bad, and the other few, if only a tickle. The same viewer feels like when something like that. "

learn more of your works: http://alejandroboim. blogspot.com

By Romi Amodei


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