"There must be a message worthwhile "
" The fisherman loves to fish, loves the sea, fishing for food use and feed his family, I do the same but my tool is the camera. Would be nice if I do say that "love of art" but it would be hypocritical. "

now work as a contributing photographer for editorial PROFILE. "
"I like to create things people see my pictures. When someone is moved by an image of you is really good, it means you're on track. "
" A state of peace and tranquility is flowing in me when I photograph, sometimes it is necessary to have him, and I have the luck of finding them. "
"There is something I like to portray more than anything else, if I ask a specific job try to do what I ask with my label, my look, if I am motus taking itself very dependent on my mood, from there try to find a line and work on that. "
" The creative process varies depending on what look, but as the denominator always shared the desire, respect what you're going to get either a beach or a person and patience. The rest are details, composition, etc, I work on the go but if not above doubt that something good comes out. "
"What I most value of art is the possibility for transmission of feelings and the mobilization that occurs in every single individual that each person has his spinning mambo ".
"Each photographer has his eyes, each one has a way of showing things in my pictures I see a reflection of mine who was at that time, but everyone that I can perceive different things."

"My greatest desire as an artist to be at peace with myself doing what I love, that first, then who would not want their works to tour the world and valued at thousands of dollars (haha). "
For more works by the artist: http://www.flickr.com/photos/madtriping
By Romi Amodei
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