"E Scucha thoughts"
" Picasso would say that art comes from a very deep pain, may be specific or existential. At a time when being very young, three years, I remember that only drew. I still have those drawings. The painting is an extension, which has as its foundation a love of color. "
"The creative process I live like a boy, his angers and joys. With Matt and wine, with the experience of loneliness and death that stalks, with the power of the will to power is pure vitality. "
"In my paintings I found someone that I live and I do not know who he is. But sorry my brother. It is very hard to criticize and supports a short time things go fairly well. My greatest desire as an artist is to die painting. "
"Painting is not allowed to flow at all, only a necessity, as Schopenhauer would say that the need is so you can not cease to be. In the short period of existence I feel it is an unwavering desire. "
"opens at the Museum Roverano with Ajler Quilmes, Boim and Menza. with whom we have fun and exchange things that happen to us in reference to art and other herbs. Too soon with them in other parts of the country, to confirm ... and only somewhere to decide in the future, but I have no trouble. The future can only think of today as well as the past. I like what happens all the time in my life. "
I am currently the head of the museum's Cultural Extension Sivori, turn the chair Crafts and Techniques of Painting I, II and III in Visual Arts at the IUNA, and I teach in my private studio and also coordinated a workshop reading of texts of philosophy. "
"Real art provokes richest individuals in their ability symbolic, which is in the best people to the fiction that is the culture and the works that embody a truth that can not be defeated by time. "
"What I need ... mmmm. Thank many people who worked and marked the path. That stuck in their products and they both pale in useless chatter, which contains a vanity and egotism hateful to produce a departure from the craft and dedication. "
For more works by the artist: http://www.hectordestefanis.com.ar
By Romi Amodei
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