Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dragon Ball Z Yaoi Doujinshi Scanlations Free

I'm in Barcelona and here I leave my recommendations for this week:

Gangs of the 80. FILM, PRESS AND STREET

Navajeros, Pico, the Torete, Heifer and all the juvenile delinquents of the 80 films. Here I leave the program according to the CCCB :

Gangs of the 80: cinema, press and street

The starting point of "Gangs of the 80" is the figure of quinqui struck by the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency films. Codes of representation in juvenile delinquency quinqui movies have survived to the present so that the stereotype of quinqui, undergoing a process of aesthetic, continues today to exercise unbridled fascination.

seventies Neighborhoods: polygons, unemployment and depression

During the sixties were launched, with the deficit of affordable housing, social contingency plans. The result was a planning poor quality, with some neighborhoods without basic services, a fact that precipitated the emergence of neighborhood movements. The crisis of the seventies and eventually stop turning these districts in the territory quinqui germ.

New forms of leisure

That generation of young people was a participant, for the first time in our country, the current youth culture. In the games room presents the elements of avoiding teenage lifestyle: colleagues, sex and drugs, as well as the manifestations of popular culture related to projected images of rebellion, escapism and marginality, as comedian or music.

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In 1975 25% of the population over 14 was excluded from the education system. Working age, as the criminal-stood at 16 years, so for many kids left the street. In addition, the emergence of heroin ravaged. In a climate of social alarm, amplified by the media, the juvenile became public enemy number one. D-Stars

The presence of young offenders were in the media is key to understanding its iconization. The Heifer and the Jaro are the brightest stars of this universe, real heroes marginality, thanks to the film biopics: Navajeros, the saga Stray dogs and I, The Heifer. These films make up the core of the film quinqui.
The reformatorioEl Juvenile Court had three options to address the problem of juvenile delinquency. The first was to return the child home, if parents had access to it. The second was interned in a reformatory. The third option, reserved for the most dangerous, was their imprisonment. In the absence of special places, many were admitted to adult prisons.

From the rooftops, I see the city

A obsolescence of prison facilities, the problems should join of overpopulation and resource scarcity. The Franco legacy left a system based on the most repressive and punitive. The situation exploded with the wave of riots in 1977 that led to the creation of COPEL (Coordinator of English Prisoners in Struggle).

The persistence of the myth

this area addresses the persistence that has quinqui phenomenon after its heyday and tragic end of many of its protagonists, both in fiction and in reality. From the hand of a new generation, there is a trick whereby the aesthetics of the eighties quinqui emerged as castizo cool icon. The myth today, especially online, fly free.


Link: Turismo. Espacios de ficción

TV Video Balzac. Thanks Gina

Exhibition in Barcelona Design Hub on the tourism industry and production. Sector analysis and project real or imagined future. I copy what he says himself DHUB about the exhibition:

Beaches and mountains, forests and cities, heroes and offshore real or dreamed malvados.Parajes today represent the desire of millions of people. Longings paradise for which we are all willing to pay a price.
Tourism today is the first global economic activity, an industry able to provide all desires, able to play, able to build them. And the tourist is the inhabitant of these coveted spaces of fiction.
The first exhibition of the Design Hub Barcelona wants to approach the reality of a huge industry and the project designers. This is undoubtedly a complex, full of contradictions and sweet moments. Like the society in which we live.

Program Tourism. Spaces fiction

"Tourism. Areas of fiction" is part of a program of activities, with the same name, takes place in the DHUB on tourism from planning the project and the diseño.Y is carried out jointly with the Col • legi d'Architects de Catalunya (COAC), with the exhibition "Architecture tourism ", the Association of Dissenyadors Gràfics Industrials Dissenyadors il'Associació of FAD, with the exhibition" Low Cost ", the master of the UPC Intelligent Coast, with the research study MultiRambles, and productions of Barcelona Design Hub the exhibition "Tourism. Areas of fiction" and "Souvenir Effect."

And finally some music. Today: groups going to Primavera Sound 2009

Wild Eyes / Vivian Girls
Always Wanting More / Jay Reatard
Days of Last / Fucked Up
spotify: user: manolofernandez: playlist: 5GFKcIaroIgdgq1sOWvBnc


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