"In my paintings I discovered the excitement I have for 25 years"
"because I paint. Guilt is what makes the grip brush or pencil almost daily. But when I paint I feel that my time goes, if things work in harmony with the stars, pots of fresh milk and all I care about the cosmos. Besides, I like the workshop, feel like in kindergarten, surrounded by colorcito and a little dirt. "
"I just let something catches my attention. Then I long to draw or paint. If it's a big canvas do some quick sketches in pencil. But go directly to the brush. Anyway, things can change infinitely in one painting. "
"Creation Process" sounds, always, to heavy. I imagine, rather, do what one is going out, without much mote. Slacker is not it? Brighten a model, I move from place to combine it with a photo. What we do not do is work in "series", I categorically get bored repeating a theme and variations. I'm yawning just to state. "
"I take everything that surrounds me: photos, pastafrolas, plugs, trees, low-calorie Sprite cans, mixed and, if lucky, get something more or less palatable, if not there, almost always, I ask the God of the paint and start again. "

"The only thing that matters in art, whatever the discipline, is that I like. I do not care who did it, in which circumstances, reasons. All this is secondary to me. "

learn more of your works: http://alejandroboim. blogspot.com
By Romi Amodei
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