Every Monday 18:10 to 19:00
Listen every Monday from 18:10 to 19:00 hours the Evening 101.Las Palmas in the Northeast and 93.3-94.6-South and Southeast.'s Radio Gran Canaria.
Area aimed at bringing people the vanguard of Investigative Journalism.
A program dedicated to Health and Medicine; Exo-Exo-Politics and Science, Psychology and Hypnosis; Enigmas and Mysteries of Science and Religion.
http://www.lamagiadelsaberadio.blogspot.com / (click). Will blog all programs to the best specialists.
http://www.avenidafm.com/ click on ONLINE (And listen live via the station's website.) Spain's local time: from 18:10 to 19:00 hours.
Directed and Presented by Francisco Arencibia with the program "The Magic of Knowledge
With 30 years on the air. With so many great programs implemented.
1 .- Program May 24th, 2010 at D. Enrique de Vicente, director Year Zero Magazine and author of Madrid.
-day program May 12, 2005 to D. Iker Jimenez, director of the "Third Millennium" in Four Television and the Cadena Ser in Madrid.
-day program May 17, 2005 to D. Manuel Carvallal, Research Journalist Galicia.
- Program on May 21 , 2005 to D. Lorenzo Fernandez, director of the magazine "Enigmas and Mysteries of the Universe" in Madrid.
-day program May 25, 2005 to D. Paco Valero, director of the Comprehensive Review of Barcelona.
-day program May 27, 2005 to D. Juan Bosch, Parapsychologist and TV program director in Barcelona "Salt and Pepper."
-day program May 31, 2005 to D. Fernando Sanchez Drago and D. Ramiro Calle, writers and Literature Prize.
-day program June 2, 2005 to Doña. Menchun Rigoberta Tum, Nobel Peace Prize.
-day program June 12, 2002 to D. Fernando Jimenez del Oso , director of the Magazine "Enigmas and Mysteries of the Universe" in Madrid.
-day program Sept. 12, 2005 to D. Miguel Blanco, director of Space, RNE Radio 1, and writer of Madrid.
-day program July 12, 2009 to D. Giorgio Bongiovanni, Stigmatized and ufologist Reached in Italy.
Program -day August 12, 2009 to D. Cardeñosa Bruno, director of the old Iberia History Magazine, writer and director program "La Rosa de los Vientos" on Onda Cero in Madrid.
-day Program Dec. 12, 2009 D . Cassany Vicente, director of the Journal Your Luck, writer and astrologer of Madrid.
-day program May 31, 2010 director Nacho Naturmed Adaptogens Medicine of Valencia.
- day program June 7, 2010 to D. Cardeñosa Bruno, director of the Journal History of Iberia old writer and director of "La Rosa de los Vientos" on Onda Cero Madrid and D. Miguel Celades Rex, director of Exopolitics in Barcelona.
-Program day June 9, 2010 to D. Oliver Rodriguez , Veterinary Surgeon of the Hospital of the University of Las Palmas de GC Aristedez Day, Mexican shaman.
Iker Jiménez (6 interviews).
Fernando Sanchez Drago and Ramiro Calle (10 interviews). Ricardo Bru and Jandi
Zaki, Ambassador of Egypt (30 interviews)
Emilio Feel (Miyo). (3 interviews)
Lorenzo Fernández Bueno (70 interviews). Bruno
Cardeñosa (7)
Josep Guijarro (25 interviews)
Manuel Carvajal (2)
Miguel Blanco (2)
The wind roses (3) died. David
Centinella (2)
Dr. Marilyn Rossner (5)
Dr.Armando Itzel Carranza and Doris Ramos. (40 interviews). Sebastian
D "arbo (70 interviews)
Jaime Rubio (40 interviews)
José Gregorio González (2)
Welcome Arencibia (10)
Pedro González Vega (fallecido. (8)
. Paco Padron (deceased) (7 )
Emiliano Bethencourt (deceased) (1).
Fernando Jiménez del Oso. (deceased). 5)
Dr. José Manuel Estrada. (Deceased) (1) Dr. David Ferriz
Olivares (deceased) (1)
Fernando Jimenez Lopez (8)
Dr. Francisco Julio Padrón (3)
Dr. Lukas Jiménez Aranda (2) Mr. Carlos Moises Michan
Amiga. (2).
Tahoces Clara (4).
Carlos Villan Duran, President of the UN Human Rights Department (1)
Dr.Jose Maria Poveda (6).
Francisco Redondo (10). Dr. Carmen Vijande
(30). Pilar
Hernandezels (4).
Rigoberta Menchú, Nobel Peace Prize.. (2)
Jeronimo Saavedra, former president of government and now mayor of Las Palmas de GC (2). All Ambassadors
an interview. (1) Ambassador of Mexico
D. Gabriel Jiménez Remus.
Ambassador of Peru, D. Carlos Pareja River.
Ambassador of Bolivia, D. Enrique del Toro.
Ambassador of Ecuador, D. Francisco Carrión.
Ambassador of Colombia, D. Arturo Vallejo.
Ambassador of Brazil.
Ambassador of Chile.
Ambassador of Uruguay, Dr. Alfonso Valera.
Ambassador of Venezuela, Mr. Raúl Alejandro Rodríguez.
Ambassador of France.
Ambassador of Switzerland.
Ambassador of Panama, DoñaMatilde González.
Ambassador of Guatemala, Doña Maruja Acevedo.
Ambassador of India, D. Prades handouts.
Ambassador of UNESCO. D. Belly Ayala. UN Presidente.Embajadora
. Doña.Paulina
Saba. Delegate of the Embassy of Peru in the UN.
Red Cross, UNICEF President, President.
Panama Consul Consul Consul of Venezuela, Colombia
Consul Consul of Uruguay in India
Ecuador Consul Consul Consul of Peru Bolivia
.. etc ...
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