A rq T OPSI has only two years of age, but twelve, and perhaps more, of gestation and term. The constructive axonometrics JARF -Juan Antonio RodrÃguez Fernández-draw for some of the best known publishers of architecture were always the final analysis, autopsies of architecture. With all that the phrase carries with respect to depth study of all project documentation in its final stage of work: plans, elevations, sections, construction details, memory, photos ... your mental deconstruction and subsequent restructuring process, layer by layer, taking extra care in how it displays what it teaches, so that the result will be respectful but honest with the building, already exists and is usually finished.
After appearing in books and magazines internationally distributed architecture, the axonometrics of JARF move to very different shapes and textures, thermal printing on canvas, in the traveling exhibition A rq T OPSI has traveled, in these two years, the exhibition halls of three schools of architecture: Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSegovia and Madrid, three public schools of architects: Madrid, Almeria Asturias, Oviedo-based and two art galleries: Gallery OAB COAM in Madrid and Barcelona.
Since last April 23 may be seen a selection of five of the drawings by the author at the headquarters of Official College of Architects of Madrid (street Wafer, 12, Ground Floor)
And finally some music. Today: groups going to Primavera Sound 2009
100% / Sonic Youth
So Bored / Dum-Dum Wavves
/ Vaselines
spotify: user: manolofernandez: playlist: 7LbjKX0okkujzud45Q5fX0 Http://laarquitecturaesaburrida.blogspot.com/
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