JG Ballard, analyst visionary emotional and psychological impact of architecture on the individual, died on Sunday 19 April. Nic Clear
directed with Simon Kennedy from 2007 in unit 15 of the Bartlett School of Architecture , courses "Crash: Architectures of the Near Future" (2007-2008) and "The Near Future Part II" (2008-2009), where architectural space is reinterpreted Ballard.
Unit 15 uses video, computer graphics and animation to create new realities, which is very innovative compared to traditional ways of having projects in architecture.
Nic Clear
was interviewed in December by Simon Sellars of Ballardian. Then translate parts of the interview that I found particularly interesting to understand their thinking and research lines. At the end there is a link to the full interview.
"synthetic space is merging real and virtual writers like Ballard and Burroughs have described the synthetic space for years. In architectural terms I see as the inability to differentiate interstitial spaces and their representations (where more spatial representations proposals become space). "
"I started my thesis in 1989 with a quote from Frederic Jameson: 'Of all the arts, architecture is the closest to the Economic constitutively, with Which, in the form of Commissions and land values, it has to Virtually unmediated relationship. "
Little has changed since then, in fact things have gotten worse. The architecture is now synonymous with the profession of architect (or architectural Corporate Complex), is financial speculation rather than an intellectual and architects have been complicit in the kind of thinking and greedy behavior that got us into the current global financial crisis. We have to stop thinking purely in terms of architecture building construction (this is why I am so interested in inspire me in other models and disciplines). "
(Regarding the use of audio-visual)
"My main interest in time-based techniques is the ability to tell stories. However, an educational level to work with film, video and animation shows a wide range of cosmetic techniques and organizational So despite my rhetoric antiprofesión, like I'm doing a good job helping students navigate successfully in the profession "
own translation of parts of the interview. If you want to read a whole: Ballardian>> 'Architectures of the Near Future': An Interview with Nic Clear
And here are some videos that made students Unit 15 for "Crash: Architectures of the Near Future" (2007-2008), found via ballardiandotcom :
"Untitled" by Peter Kidger, produced by Nic Clear during the Unit 15 "Crash: Architectures of the Near Future"
"The Sound-Sweep" by George Thompson based on JG Ballard's story, produced by the Clear Nic course in Unit 15 "Crash: Architectures of the Near Future"
"Untitled" by Dan Farmer, produced by Nic Clear during the Unit 15 "Crash: Architectures of the Near Future"
"London after the Rain" by Ben Farmer Marzis Olszina-produced by Nic Clear during the Unit 15 "Crash: Architectures of the Near Future"
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