What will the world when the melting of the Arctic a reality? Squint / Opera already have imagined. In his series "Flooded London" have a peaceful utopia located within about 80 or 90 years. People appear happy and relaxed, adapted to their new environment. Play, smile, bathe and collect preinundación objects which might be useful.
JG Ballard, analyst visionary emotional and psychological impact of architecture on the individual, died on Sunday 19 April. Nic Clear directed with Simon Kennedy from 2007 in unit 15 of the Bartlett School of Architecture , courses "Crash: Architectures of the Near Future" (2007-2008) and "The Near Future Part II" (2008-2009), where architectural space is reinterpreted Ballard. Unit 15 uses video, computer graphics and animation to create new realities, which is very innovative compared to traditional ways of having projects in architecture.
Nic `s right hand talking two way Elvis archimaxx Nic Clear was interviewed in December by Simon Sellars of Ballardian. Then translate parts of the interview that I found particularly interesting to understand their thinking and research lines. At the end there is a link to the full interview.
"synthetic space is merging real and virtual writers like Ballard and Burroughs have described the synthetic space for years. In architectural terms I see as the inability to differentiate interstitial spaces and their representations (where more spatial representations proposals become space). "
"I started my thesis in 1989 with a quote from Frederic Jameson: 'Of all the arts, architecture is the closest to the Economic constitutively, with Which, in the form of Commissions and land values, it has to Virtually unmediated relationship. " Little has changed since then, in fact things have gotten worse. The architecture is now synonymous with the profession of architect (or architectural Corporate Complex), is financial speculation rather than an intellectual and architects have been complicit in the kind of thinking and greedy behavior that got us into the current global financial crisis. We have to stop thinking purely in terms of architecture building construction (this is why I am so interested in inspire me in other models and disciplines). "
(Regarding the use of audio-visual) "My main interest in time-based techniques is the ability to tell stories. However, an educational level to work with film, video and animation shows a wide range of cosmetic techniques and organizational So despite my rhetoric antiprofesión, like I'm doing a good job helping students navigate successfully in the profession " own translation of parts of the interview. If you want to read a whole: Ballardian>> 'Architectures of the Near Future': An Interview with Nic Clear
"Untitled" by Peter Kidger, produced by Nic Clear during the Unit 15 "Crash: Architectures of the Near Future"
"The Sound-Sweep" by George Thompson based on JG Ballard's story, produced by the Clear Nic course in Unit 15 "Crash: Architectures of the Near Future"
"Untitled" by Dan Farmer, produced by Nic Clear during the Unit 15 "Crash: Architectures of the Near Future"
"London after the Rain" by Ben Farmer Marzis Olszina-produced by Nic Clear during the Unit 15 "Crash: Architectures of the Near Future"
Documental " On the Passage of a few People through a Rather Brief Moment in Time: The Situationist International 1956-1972" de Branka B ogdanov (1989). Thought and influence of Guy Debord. comments Greil Marcus, Thomas Levine, Roberto Orht, Malcolm Mac Laren and Jamie Reid among other s. I divided do and n tr is parts for viewing on You Tube. The video chronicles the beginnings ba ses and movement concepts (a) , whose central idea is to create situations. Explains how s e development or in art, literature, music, cinema and architecture t Ura and its implications on May 68 . Just anal influences co hoisting nceptos Situationists eg the appropriation ism in art or in the English punk movement commercialized by Malcolm McLaren.
movement ista situation develops utopian concept Unitary Urbanism (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) , rejecting the passive role or spectator, is the individual in his environment and proposes the use of technology for rear amb c lowing, spaces from which a user can be appropriated by modifying or play. Unitary Urbanism tools have been widely influential and used in other contexts (b) .
1. New Babylon on a map of Middlesex (1966-67) 2 and 3. New Babylon 2 pictures of models belonging to the documentary "Constant's New Babylon" by Victor Nieuwenhuijsen & Maartje Seyferth (2005) 4. Large Yellow Sector (1967) 5. Group of sectors (1959) 6. Interior of New Babylon (1960). New Babylon .... can only be represented in 3 dimensions (model, view).
icon Unitary Urbanism is New B abylo n Constant Nieuwenhuys (1) (2) (3) (4) . Project the 50, 60 and 70. It is situated in an ideal future where the struggle for survival there. The man is finally free to devote to the game creation. Leisure society is born. No classes. It is not necessary to work because the media have been collectivized production and machining. Eliminating the work schedule and also eliminates the need to live in a fixed location. New Babylon as a network extending from nodes first, then connecting these, superimposed over the cities and structures. As it grows and branches, enhancing its activity, modes of production are automated progressively replace the city / structure traditional. New Babylon is thus a connected network, a whole composed of units called sectors minimum (c) . You no longer need to move quickly to relocate. New Babylon has a degree of internal flexibility that allows relatively small areas allows multiple variations of environment and atmosphere . can create microclimates at will (d) . The comprehensive technical control that enables the existence of their culture, the endless game. The system is decentralized and the public. His mapping is a software that combines numerous elements. Each user is free to change the environment at will, to generate a situation. Changes are instantaneous, public and participatory. Each user is free to react to any intervention. It preventive chain reactions that can reach the collapse and then turn-off. New Babylon is projected in the fourth dimension, time. The network is in constant fluctuation, their planes have the value of a snapshot. New Babylon is a perceived internally as a continuous space, dilated. New Babylon branches off indefinitely over all the earth, connected everything, does not stop anywhere ...
(a): Links to the situationist movement, situationist international online , Situationist file , texts Guy Debord in chaosmosis , movies Guy Debord UbuWeb, of which the most recommended is "The ad society of the spectacle" .
(b): Some tools of Urbanism Unit: 1. situation: setting, environment, and deliberately constructed for a specific time, place and group of individuals according to a predetermined sequence. 2. Drift : vagavundeo systematic urban experimentation. 3. Psychogeography : drift theoretical context, the study of environmental effects on emotional behavior. 4. Detournement : appropriation and distortion of meaning of an object of popular culture. 5 . Art as an industrial product. 6. Recovery , appropriation, assimilation by the market economy initially radical ideas. 7. Revolution (c): The sectors are defined as elevated horizontal structures 15 to 20 feet above the ground, between 30 and 60 feet high, area of \u200b\u200b10 to 20 hectares. They have 1 or more structural cores containing communications, technical and service centers. A macro-prepared to accommodate the endless combining of microstructures.
(d): widespread use of elements in contemporary architecture such as the modularization, the need of the game, the flexibility of the microstructures within the sound or creating macro microclimate / so sensory states artificial.
Mars 500 is a collaboration of the European Space Agency (ESA ), the Russian Institute for Biomedical Problems (IBMP) and the U.S. National Space Biomedical Research Institute. The project studies the physical and psychological consequences that have a human crew on a mission to Mars, a simulator almost real, except gravity. During a trip to Mars, which could take 20 years to be feasible, crew would remain for over a year on board the ship and travel the last period of communication with Earth would have gaps of 20 minutes. The experiment takes place in Moscow, in a facility built during the 70's for similar experiments at the time that have been upgraded technologically, but keep the aesthetics of the Soviet space era. Six astronauts, four Russians, a German and a Frenchman will be enclosed in the first simulator 105 and 520 days later to see how they affect the human race long periods of isolation. will be supervised by a technical team supporting facilities. Here below I leave a couple of pictures and links for you to take a look at the house GH space.